Willie Hamilton
Wakefields and Chair of Horsham BID Ltd

Following an extensive career as a Director of Operations, Marketing and Strategy in retailing and more recently as the CEO of the UK’s largest independent Jewellery Buying Group, I decided that I wanted to “give back” to the many businesses that I worked with. I now own and operate HamiltON Business, a mentoring and coaching business, working with independent family businesses across the UK. However, many of you may recognise me as working behind the bar at Wakefields Jewellers, owned by my wife Melanie and my brother-in-law Dominic, whose family, have been passionately involved in serving and supporting the Horsham community for over a hundred years.
I made the move to Horsham over ten years ago, and my intention to try to “give back” was not confined to HamiltON Business.
I’ve also held the pro-bono position as Chairman of several large companies and charities, so when Dominic and Melanie asked me to represent Wakefield’s (who contribute £810 per annum with their BID levy fee) within a group of like-minded business people, that also wanted to “give back” to the Horsham community, I didn’t hesitate to join them.
Following many years of supporting and working within the group, (formally known as Horsham Business Initiative or HBI) in raising awareness for a BID, in Horsham and the successful vote of confidence from the Horsham town centre community for, Your Horsham BID, I was honoured to be voted as Chair to the board.
As Chair, I will be committed to ensure that our Horsham town centre business community are listened to and our agreed business plan is delivered, within a timely and cost effective basis.
Alongside my fellow directors of Your Horsham, I look forward to meeting, listening, and working with everyone within the community, so if you remember my face, or see me wearing my Your Horsham, lapel pin badge please stop me for chat and let’s get to know each other better, to ensure we collectively make Your Horsham, an even better place to work, rest and play.