Meet the Team
Picture above courtesy of Alan Wright Photography: Welcome Ambassadors Emma, Lucas and Tim
Willie Hamilton
Chair of Horsham BID

Rachel Noel
BID Manager and Director

Charlie South – John Lewis and Partners
Events and Marketing Coordinator

I have been working for John Lewis in Horsham for the last 5 years.
I am semi-retired following a 20 year career in Financial markets, specialising in the Far East’ on leaving the city I pursued a career in Education, ending as a Headmaster of a Boys Primary School.
I feel confident that due to the depth and variety of my experience I can bring something different to the Board.
I love sport, having played Rugby and Cricket (which I still actively play), I really believe in the team ethic. I genuinely believe that we can bring something of that team ethic into developing the BID into an organisation that helps our brilliant and diverse businesses work together in developing and promoting all the things that Horsham has to offer. The John Lewis BID levy is £10,125.
Board Members
Paul Davies – Owner At Home Estates and Lettings and D’Arcy’s Wine Bar
I own and manage At Home Estate and Lettings Agency, based in the Carfax, and D’Arcy’s Wine Bar, situated on Piries Place. I joined the board as I could see the vision of how we would be able to improve the business environment within the town centre and enhance Horsham’s reputation by collectively inputting into the direction and strategy for the future, whereas there currently is none. I feel the BID is a great opportunity to collectively drive our own destiny.
In terms of what I bring to the table, I am hard working, organised, approachable, well networked and have a strong background in marketing and I look forward to using my skillset within this setting.
I will be paying a combined £900 into the levy each year, which I feel is a small investment into making an already vibrant town centre even more vibrant, and ensuring we can continue to maintain its vibrancy into the future. I’m very much looking forward to the plan being put into action.

Gill Buchanan – Centre Manager at Swan Walk

I represent the 60 businesses at Swan Walk and am delighted to be on the Board. I have been a huge supporter of BIDS for nearly 10 years having seen what can be achieved visiting other towns nationally. The annul levy collected from those trading in Swan Walk is circa £43,500.
Although Swan Walk is primarily a day time retail space we have always worked collaboratively to look at the whole town centre experience for all our customers. Every business in the BID area is a key ingredient to the Horsham offer and its success.
I have been in the town for nearly 30 years but remain as passionate about Horsham and the opportunities we have as I was on day one. I’ve been involved with most town forums and groups over the years so I hope I can bring experienced Horsham insight to the board plus my understanding of the nation metrics around town centres and key trends/insights, all alongside the amazing fresh energy we have from my board colleagues who have newer businesses in the town.
Your Horsham means that we can deliver for business, by business, with a focused strategy to support all members in the town centre BID area – what an amazing opportunity!
Barbara Childs – Director of Place at Horsham District Council

I am the Director of Place at Horsham District Council and have worked and lived in the town centre for over 30 years so I am committed to the ongoing success of Horsham town centre. It’s both a pleasure and privilege to be a member of the Your Horsham board.
My areas of responsibility at Horsham District Council include economic development; property that the District Council owns in the town and district; and all aspects of planning and building control. I’m also overseeing some significant investment in improvements to the public realm in the town centre within the Your Horsham area. I bring my wealth of personal and professional knowledge to the board and am committed to be the key link between the local authorities and the board to enable them to work effectively together to make the town centre even more attractive for people to visit, live and work.
The District Council has a broad remit and provides many services and facilities in the Your Horsham area (it’s also the highest levy payer) but Your Horsham is focused entirely on delivering the priorities of the town centre businesses and I will do all I can to support making that happen.
Ben Hewson – Owner The Bear Pub
I am delighted to join the board of Your Horsham, I truly believe the BID will be the springboard to not just maintain Horsham’s ability to compete with larger towns but provide the means and support to be cutting edge in terms of commercial viability, visitor attraction and depth of offering.
Several years ago, I was introduced to the concept of BIDs on a trip to New York where the benefits are evidenced on every street and avenue and the levy payers are motivated and united to realise a collective vision.
Over the past 30 years I have built businesses in many sectors ranging from corporate real estate to logistics and high street retail to e-commerce, recently I have taken on The Bear in Market Square, my hope is that I can bring aspects of this experience to help with crafting strategy and “right first time” decision making.
Having a foot in hospitality and living within a stone’s throw of the town centre, I naturally cherish the vibrancy and community feel of the town centre, both key areas to the success of Horsham, and believe all businesses benefit when everyone from business owners, employees and visitors are happy, safe and engaged.
The BID gives us the mechanism to improve communication between all partners and the opportunity to collaboratively reinforce and underpin all the things that make Horsham a great place to live, work and play.